Keep Smiling Through

Mrs Gerrish prepares herself for a morning of queueing; She goes through her checklist: Ration book? Check. Identity card? Check. Gas mask? Check. "Is your journey really necessary?" "Yes it bloomin' well is!" Clothing coupons? Check. That smoke-damaged dress in the window of Grafton's Ladies outfitters on Castle Street was going to be hers at any cost. No 'make-do-and-mend' today.

Meanwhile next door. . .
Mr Hobbs, just in from a night of firewatching, prepares to do a shift of 'private' business before starting work at Bristol Aeroplane C ... oops! Careless talk cost liyes! He goes through his checklist: Stockings? Check. Petrol coupons? Check. Shock-proof watches? Ooh, look here, one of 'em is working. What a shock! And they have a cheek to call him a spiv!

This is their story: two people, neighbours, helping each other out through Bristol's darkest hour. The tales they have to tell are true, gathered from West Country wartime housewives, Home Guards, factory workers, ARP Wardens, Gls and those who saw Bristol At War through children's eyes.

All set to music of the era, creating a wonderful period feel from memories both happy and sad.

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